
Going green can  help our enviorments.Making mother Earth the cleanest.Pollution is the worste illness that can land upon our Earth.It takes one voice to make a difference and you can be that voice.It takes one good action to clean up!

please use your voice and make a difference.

pledge. Send a shout out to us and tell us what you will do to Go Green!!!




Other ways to help earth and keep your self safe:



What does smoking do to your body?

In the short term

• Smoking gives you bad breath
• Causes wrinkles earlier in life
• Makes your hair and clothes smell
• Can affect your sports performance -
• You won't be able to run as fast or as far.
• Stains your teeth makes your skin dry
• It will crease your lips from pursing them around the cigarette.

It will make your skin tougher and not as soft.
• It will mix up the fluids in your brain.

In the long term
• Smoking can cause Coronary Heart Disease
• Emphysema
• Lung Cancer
• Throat Cancer
• Mouth Cancer
• Bladder Cancer Infertility in men and women
• Stomach Ulcers

"I won't get addicted!" Do you really believe that?

"Teenagers who smoke one or more cigarettes a day show evidence of addiction similar to that seen in addicted smokers. Addiction to nicotine is usually established in young smokers within a year of first experimenting with cigarettes."


Getting the Facts

"Just about everyone knows that the legal drinking age throughout the United States is 21. But according to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, almost 80% of high school students have tried alcohol.

Deciding whether to drink is a personal decision that we each eventually have to make. This article provides some information on alcohol, including how it affects your body, so you can make an educated choice."

It also can mess up your mind and can cause a big change in attitude, additude would soon turn negative...Can change relationships with family and friends, but can also get you drunk; and when being drunk you can through up constantly, can't walk straight, and act really strange. Too much alcohol can cause an addiction and you then would be known as an alcoholic...

Do you really think it's worth it???Live.Above.The.influence.

Drugs are normally caused over stress, delightfulness, sadness, depression, loss of interasction, etc.

Do you know how many people die of drugs? More than a million...Drugs are mainly a big impact to people at first than end up being addicted, addiction isn't good; meaning you can't live with out it...

How would you like feeling trapped???But are drugs the answer to freedom and space?When depressed, people either turn to alcohol or drugs.And addiction can later most likely cause deaths.



Would you like being healthy or addicted???


Email us or go to our chat box and type what you feel, we are on every other day,we will respond....Or email us:



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